Summertime means more of evening outings and playful time in the yard or park with your furry canine friends. However, soaring temperature also leaves many pet parents worried and sceptical about taking their dogs out with them. After all, it is too hard to take summer heat on top of that furry coat for them. This certainly is a matter of concern and worry but it shouldn’t stop you and your pet from having nice summertime out in the open. To ensure the same, here we have brought some useful tips that would help you keep your dog cool, happy and healthy in summer.
Embrace the shade
While at home and outside in the park, make sure to provide ample shade to your dog. You have to find a tree shade in the park so that your dog can sit and enjoy the cool summer breeze there. You can find such a shady spot at your home to place your dog home there. If there isn’t any such space available, you can always make one with cool dog cooling products like an umbrella.
Be careful about your outing time
Early morning and late evenings are the coolest during the hot summers. Therefore, choose the morning or evening time for an outing with your furry friend. Doing so isn’t only good for your dog but you as well.
Always carry cold water
Whether you are taking your dog for a drive or out in the open, never forget to carry a bottle of cold water. You should keep offering cold water to your pet at regular interval so that it can remain cool during hot summer days.
Frozen treats
You can use a wide variety of frozen treats to cool off your pup, as they simply love them. These dog cooling products can be amazing, as they work wonders for making them feel fresh and energetic. You can check out various Popsicle and frozen bites recipes online and make the ones you think your pup would like the most.
Avoid hot surfaces
If you are taking your dog out on a hot summer day or even a hot summer evening, make sure to avoid it walk on the pavement or other surfaces that absorb heat from the sun. Those made of wood, metal, and sand can get hot and remain hot till the long after sun goes down. Before you make your dog walk on a surface, you must check it first by placing your hand or bare foot there for five seconds or so. If walking on a hot surface is essential someday, you can buy dog cooling products (booties) for them to wear.
Let them play in the water
You can find multiple ways of making your dog play in the water during hot summers, as it would help them keep cool and happy. Let them jump in pools, lakes or simply let them have fun with the water sprinklers installed in your garden.
Use wet blanket
If it is too hot, you can use wet blankets, towels and ice bags to keep your furry friends cool. You can even order dog cooling products, such as cooling vests. Their outer layer reflects heat, the middle layer stores water and the innermost layer provides the relaxing cooling effect to the dog.
Pet parents must keep dogs healthy, happy and cool in the hot summer days. They can do the same easily with the help of some useful tips and amazing dog cooling products.
Author Bio: – Pawan Sharma is a rabid Health and Fitness aficionado and also a pet lover. He is a Health and fitness lover and loves to share his knowledge about health. In his free time, he loves to play basketball and to play with his kids